Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Crafting Hiatus...well, sort of.

I haven't "made" anything in a while. Well, a few cards. And then that lovely T-shirt at Vacation Bible school. But other than that, I haven't made anything. Too many irons in the fire with baby, church, new job and attempting to launch a new business.

I do plan to schedule a session with my girl, Kerry, soon, and I also hope to do some crafts with the kids at church. But other than that, I'm on a crafting hiatus. Unless, of course, I can get a crochet group going at church. Then, maybe, I could mix my hobby with my job. That would be cool! So we'll see. Okay, so I guess I'm on a crochet hiatus.

I'd really like to make some more t-shirts...that was really fun. Hmmmm.