Saturday, July 3, 2010

Teaching Crochet?

I went to the closing events for my son's Vacation Bible School and I brought a project with me. I'm currently working on a baby blanket using the diagonal box stitch. The tween girls seemed pretty impressed with my work and wanted to know if I could teach them. Since I don't go to church there, I suggested they check in with my mother-in-law and get something arranged. I told them I'd be happy to teach them.

My question: Do I know enough to teach some tweens how to crochet? I'm thinking a scarf is a good starter.

I'm excited to get the chance to spend some time with these girls, hear their stories and teach them a skill that gives them confidence and a cool hobby.


  1. no never a scarf. they are very long and can get boring. there are books on teaching teens to crochet.

    i learned to knit first and my first scarf i got so bored i started trying new stitchs, color change and decrease/increases with in the scarf. it was a hot mess

    maybe try a small purse, granny squares, washclothes, a hat.
    i did in bloom with in my first month of crochet its easy

  2. Fantastic advice. Thanks so much. I'll use these links to help me make a decision about what to offer and how to teach it. Very much appreciated!!
